Sunday 27 December 2009

carols by candlelight

a few pics of our carols by candlelight in school on Christmas eve.
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sunday school Christmas party

a few pics of the sunday school Christmas party with Nepali dancing

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music practice

Practicing our Christmas carols by candlelight in our Church ... me trying to read Nepali by candle light!!!
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Language teachers

These are our language teachers. The Stewarts, Rich and I (well mainly Nicola and I) cooked them a big foreign food meal to say thanks for putting up with us!!!
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Nextdoor's very noisy wedding!!

Pictures from our balcony of nextdoor's noisy wedding, which fortunatly for us only went of for 2 days. The one down the road went on for about 2 weeks!!!!
The bride arriving and the wedding car and the lights at night.

Friday 18 December 2009

Walk to Bagar 2

View down into a house
Up at the temple at the top of A LOT of steps!!!
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Walk to Bagar

across the suspension bridge

In the villagae
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Thursday 10 December 2009

The Winesses - photos 1

Reporters - Tara and Anna

Angels - Molly, Laila and Ellen
Star - Rachel
Joseph - Liam Mary - Sijan Donkey - Mr Lomath
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Rich is chief donkey in the Chrismas play!!!

Rich being a donkey - much to the children's amusement in the school Chrismas play. Although they were a little upset not to get a real donkey!!!
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Sunday 15 November 2009

games at conference

teams trying to work out which flag went with which country!!
who knew that getting water from one bucket to another via 4 people could be so complicated or cause so many people to get wet!!
The paper hat competition...which country does each hat represent!!
a flying egg...
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INF conference in KTM

Anna braves the pool....brrrr it was a bit like the sea during August in the UK!!!

Rich on our balcony

the hotel complex

Shari, Nicola, Rich and Thomas enjoy the evening sunshine...was still chilly thought!!
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more bardhia pics

a day of rafting, sitting on beaches and trying to spot tigers!!!
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