Saturday 31 January 2009

Ram Bazaar and our flat

Ram Bazar 'high street'
our flat in Pokhara
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Lakeside in Pokhara

all the new and old INF workers
a view of the lake
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Friday 23 January 2009

The bus from Kathmandu, Ross and Phil get the luggage off the roof.

the view from the roof of our flat over some of the hills
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Tuesday 13 January 2009

a few local sights

the local laundry
some local family houses

view from a rooftop
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Sunday 11 January 2009

traffic in Kathmandu!!

This was the sight we saw on the way to the office this morning!! How exciting!!!
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shopping in Kathmandu for our first outfits...still not made yet as we are waiting to take them to the tailor in Pokhara
view from the cafe in Durba square

New Orleans cafe...note 6pm in jumpers outside!!!
View of some of the hills around Kathmandu
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Guest house in Kathmandu

Where we are staying in Kathmandu, Goshan guest house.
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Saturday 3 January 2009

5 little Lomaths

The final few days of mayhem in the Lomath household...

I had a bright idea that hanging my camera from a lamp in plastic bag would mean we could get good photos of us from above...all the other Lomaths agreed this sounded like a good idea. Therefore we have some lovely shots of the five little Lomaths.

Then we went to the park and using my new toy, my camera remote control we took some more photos. Oh well no more photos of the five of us for 2 years so I had to make the most of it!!!!
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New Years Day

With 6 days to go until we fly out to Nepal we carry on saying our goodbyes to people and as usual I made everyone pose for a photo!!! Unfortunatly they wouldn't all stand on the log over the water as asked so I had to settle for this. Thanks guys love you all lots.
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