Wednesday 22 April 2009

day 4 finally we made it to Tatopani

a change in the landscape the lower down we got, a few big waterfalls and very welcome local cidar in the evening to soothe some sore legs!!!

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day 4 trekking on the way to Tatopani

a few villages
another big bridge
donkeys carrying chickens!!!
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Day 4 trekking views on the way to Tatopani

a few bits of scenery

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day 3 trekking Kalopani

lunch then views from our lodge in Kalopani

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Day 3 trekking

a few sights on the trip down.

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day 3 of trekking from Jomson Kalopani

apple trees...which help make the local cidar

a few bits of steep downhill climbing!!! and one of the villages we went through
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Tuesday 21 April 2009

day 2 afternoon

views of the mountains on our very looooooonnnnnnnng walk back to Jomsom from Muktinath

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day 2 breakfast and Muktinath

Breakfast views

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Monday 20 April 2009

day 2 before breakfast

sun rising
walk up to Jalakot for breakfast

Rich and Carol find some snow...Rich even tried to make a snowball!!! And throw it at Elly of course!!
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day 1 trekking afternoon

kag Benni

Tarong La Pass (5400m)
More mountains and our lodge for the first night at Khinga
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