Friday 21 August 2009

bat caves

Rich, Penny Alison - their boss (Krisna) and I hunt for bats in the bat cave!!! Found quite a few but have to say i'm not sure we would have been allowed down into the caves if they were in the least not without hard hats, proper torches and maybe a bit of a path through the caves!!! But it was good fun!!!

Sunsetting over the top end of Pokhara
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Tuesday 11 August 2009


Shweta, Pratiba, Alison and I having our weekly swimming lesson

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lunch at lakeside and fishtail

lunch at Mike's Restuarant in Lakeside with the Stewarts and Alison and a view of fishtail from our roof.

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friendship day

creating designs in henna for friendship day at our friend Shweta's new flat.
Esther, Shweta's Amma, Shweta's friend Shweta and me.

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more monkeys in the temple

a few more bits and pieces from the monkey temple Budhist prayer wheels and Regina, Nicola, Rich and I by the temple

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the monkey temple

pictures of the monkey temple a buddhist/hindu temple with lots of monkeys and a lot of steps!!

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views of Kathmandu

a few pics of our walk through part of Kathmandu

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temple at the top of a BIG hill

pictures of the temple at the top of the cable car and some mountains in the back ground about a thousand meters up in the cable car.

Also a statue at the restaurant we went to

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cable cars

going in a cable car - half way between pokhara and Kathmandu

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