Sunday 25 October 2009

trip to fish tail lodge

our expat group outside of school.

fish tail lodge hotel for a yummy lunch
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trip to the mountain museum

a few pics from my class trip to the mountain museum

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veiws from our rooftop at the moment

fish tail and a few more mountains

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few pics of Tehaar
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Friday 9 October 2009

a bit of rain!!

this is my walk to school!! We had over 2m of rain in two days!!!

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Nepal Gunj

of on some rickshaws!!

the fruit markets and the bazar

a few people on a cart!!!!
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where we were staying
a rainbow!!

a few people on a Nepali bus!!!

The Surkhet clock tower
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forest hideaway and journey home

waterfight in the forest hideaway garden!
So grown up!!!
Dinner Time

The village women off to go fishing
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walking around Bhardia

a few water buffalo and us!!

The elephat lookout!!
Us teaching the locals to flip bottle tops off your elbow!!! Stephen managed 10!!!

And the whole gang of bideshis!!!!
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Wednesday 7 October 2009

more rafting and elephants

rafting and a Nepali River dolphin!!! One of the 10 left in the world.

Nepalis at a dashin party as we land and an elephant in the breading programme
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rafting in bhardia

us and our friends rafting

Rich and his trusty umbrella!!!
The whole gang in a we are not monkeys really...honest!!
And...real life tiger footprints made by a female tiger the same morning that we walked on the beach!! Scary!
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