Sunday 15 November 2009

games at conference

teams trying to work out which flag went with which country!!
who knew that getting water from one bucket to another via 4 people could be so complicated or cause so many people to get wet!!
The paper hat competition...which country does each hat represent!!
a flying egg...
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INF conference in KTM

Anna braves the pool....brrrr it was a bit like the sea during August in the UK!!!

Rich on our balcony

the hotel complex

Shari, Nicola, Rich and Thomas enjoy the evening sunshine...was still chilly thought!!
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more bardhia pics

a day of rafting, sitting on beaches and trying to spot tigers!!!
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more elephant riding

Penny, Patrick, Rich and I on our Elephant and Nicola, Stephen, Molly and Anna on their was a bit bumpy
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Saturday 14 November 2009

trip back from KTM to PKR

A bus being rescued from the river and blocking up the whole road...for an hour!!!

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more of bhardia

a few pics of us on an elephant

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Sunday 1 November 2009

coming down towards lakeside

views of lakeside and the boats which took us across to lakeside
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coming down from the peace pergoda

views over the lake

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pictures from the peace pergoda

views of fishtail mountain ... and us!!

peace pergoda
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trip up to the peace pergoda

walk up to the peace pergoda looking back towards pokhara.

a village house half way up.

Claire, Marleene, Rich, Shari, Christina and Thomas

Looking towards the peace pergoda
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