Sunday 26 December 2010

lunch at Fishtail

all of us and the resturant

The kids...
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More family portraits and saris!!

Meiers family

all of us in our saris...
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Family portraits

Elly and Rich
Stewart family
Jo and Mark
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Christmas dinner

Christmas dinner cooked by candlelight on 2 gas hobs!!!

All of us Lomaths (+ Action team teenage daughters and auntie Penny) and Stewarts (+ auntie Ali)
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presents and church

Elly's new gloves, Tara in Shari's elephant suit and Christmas at Naya Gaun Church

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Christmas on the roof and presents

Us on the roof with the girls and opening presents under the tree.
Rich's it a dinosaur, crocodile or dragon...????
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Christmas morning

Our duck cake made by the action team...Mummy and Daddy duck (Elly and Rich) and their four little ducklings (Caitlin, Mairi, Esther and Sarah)!!!!
Us all opening our stockings and the girls with their t-shirts.
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Carols by candlelight and stockings

Carols by candlelight at school and our Christmas stockings.

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Christmas cakes

Just a few pics of our Christmas cakes - Proper fruit cake, fully fed with brandy and some Nigella chocolate Christmas cakes...hope you like the icing Mum, Pam and Yvonne!!!!

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Thursday 9 December 2010

few more pics of PSC Christmas play

Angels and Shepherds and sheep!

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More PSC Christmas fun!

All of the kids on stage with their costumes. Straw gets EVERYWHERE!!!!
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