Tuesday 5 January 2010

Chitwan - back to Pokhara

The elephants dropping us back at the hotel.

Our hotel and everyone in our group getting ready to leave.

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Chitwan - elephant ride

Our first view of a rhino.
Rob on an elephant
Mum and Dad on an elephant
The second rhino of the day to be spotted!!! (it's very tricky to take photos of rhinos from moving elephants ... and even trickier to take photos of other people on moving elephants from the back of an elephant!!!)
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Chitwan - last pics of elephant bathing...honest

Some of our friends enjoying th cold water as well.

Our elephant off home for a well earned rest...
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chitwan - more elephant bathing

Getting a bit wet in the water play!!

How do you dismount from an elephant gracefully...i'm sure I don't know!!!

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Chitwan - elephant bathing

We get to ride an elephant and swim with her in the river...such amazing fun but a little bit chilly on the 1st of January...1st bath of the year with an Elephant!!!!

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Chitwan - New Years eve

A funny looking croc (but he was in the breading centre not in the wild...just incase your worried about how close he looks...he had his photo taken through a fence).

Camp fire for New Years eve...burning the evidence!!!
New Years day lunch all 20 of us!
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Chitwan - jeep ride

Rich rides on top of the jeep.

A turmite home and a slightly larger croc!!
The only tiger we got to see!!!!
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Chitwan - elephant breeding centre

Patrick pats the elephant,

Jonnie (the teddy bear) gets to ride an elephant!!!
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Chitwan - off in a canoe

A little wander along the crocodile infested river in a dugout canoe... and a few of the local birds...

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Chitwan - elephant stable

A visit to a real life elephant stable!!! Including the elephant who posed everytime someone took her photo!!!

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