Friday 14 May 2010

wedding 4

Nicola and Elly with a nepali lady who wanted us to take her picture!!

the bideshi row eating lunch

the line for food

walking back up our 'road'
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wedding 3 - saris!

Nicola, Alison, Elly and Penny

Honestly Rich where is your tie!!!

Us with our very necessary sun shade...not entirly colour co-ordinated...but we do live in Nepal!
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wedding 2

the bride an her father

A rather hot day

Us escaping the heat with a cool coke...escaping the 2 hour service as well!!

Rich keeps the sun off his head...well there isn't much hair there to do the job...Stephen where's your umbrella?
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Prakash's wedding

Bideshis in saris...on our 'road' (we are not entirely sure it read would be a road under the trade descriptions act)!

Off on the wedding buses

the outside church...

...the inside church
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Tuesday 11 May 2010

More cooking lessons

At our friend Shweta's house for more cooking lessons!
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Alison's farewell BBQ

A few songs around the camp fire...BBQ!!!

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Monday 3 May 2010

off to lakeside and in the swimming pool

Rich and Shari have a nap in the resturant
off on the bike again
all of us in the pool again...been a whole year since we were all in the pool...Carol had just got in from her flight from Canada!!!
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