Tuesday 28 September 2010

sunday school

Our Church's Sunday School - on a Saturday!!!

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last few pics from our Sunday Walk

Us having survived our Sunday stroll up a mountain!!

the last hurdle!!
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more sarangkot

rice fields

local houses
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more walking

Elly and Tamara walking up the big hill...and a couple of goats watching the paragliders!!

Where did the path go?!!! Oh a road got build across it!!
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more Sarangkot!!

someone doing their laundry in the river.

Our slight detour up a river bed...then we found the real path which had steps!!!
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Monday 27 September 2010

Walk up to Sarangkot

The start of our LONG walk up Sarangkot. The hll in the middle is the one we climbed up - all 800m of it!!!

Views over Fewa Tal and the rice fields
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Saturday 18 September 2010

A rather wet walk to work

Rich on his way to school this week down our rather unfinished MAIN ROAD!!!

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Monday 13 September 2010

Potluck supper in our house

Over 20 ex-pats squeezed into our house for a yummy potluck supper...

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Trip from KTM to PKR

This is why it too 12 hours to get from Kathmandu to Pokhara
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more Thailand photos from other people

Rich claims the tap was too fierce!!!
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Sunday 12 September 2010

More Thailand photos

A few more pictures from our holdiay in Thailand from other people's cameras!!!! - some of Rich and Elly!!!

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